Tuesday, May 27, 2014

PAL Day 2014

PAL Day was Saturday and I sure hope someone somewhere enjoyed it.  I planted two boxes and only one counted :(

Tin Man Brewery/Restaurant 
The first one was the Tin Man Brewery box that I made LTCs for.  It has already had it's first finder.  I am running an experiment with this box and it is going commando.  We will see how it goes.  Double bagging is big here.

 As for my second box, the clue was too old.  I started the clue and carved the stamp back in the fall but forgot about them.  I found them about a month ago and decided to plant them on PAL Day.  I made the logbook and spray painted the box the week of PAL Day.  Then planted it on Friday and listed it on Saturday.

Boehne Camp TB Hospital just before it was tore down. 
I planted it where an old TB hospital used to be.  It had been torn down several years ago but I think the location is interesting.  Also, back in the fall we had some TB drama in the Christmas family.

My oldest son was getting ready for middle school and had to get vacations.  He also had a TB skin test and it was positive.  We had the whole family tested and I was also positive.  He and I also had blood work and another skin test and they were all negative.

This was such a long, drawn out ordeal.  We had to deal with the pediatrician and health dept.  We ended up leaving the pediatrician that we have been with for 11 years because of how she treated the people at the health dept and her refusal to order a blood test for my son.

So, officially Indiana had 2 boxes planted on PAL Day.  I could have deleted my old clue and started another but with our number so low I choose not to.

My questions is, what happened to PAL Day?  Was everyone to busy with the holiday weekend to plant?  Did everyone boycott because of the new stricter rules?  I know Indiana normally has low numbers but the whole country is low.  According to the PAL Day widget it is the second lowest turn out ever with only 297 boxes.  The first year is the only one with a lower number at 269.

Lost a square or miscounted :)
I have been blogging and boxing less simply because there is nothing around me to find.  I started the quilt that I talked about a few posts back.  This summer I would like to box in Paducah, Ky (about 2 hrs away).  They have a quilt museum there and I hope to plant a box near by.  My kids are so excited about my quilt that I will make them all one too.  Not this design though.

I hope everyone has a fun safe summer :)

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day 2014

Suspension Bridge to many of the trails
Every Mother's Day weekend we go camping!  My parents have been going since before I was born.  This year we went to Turkey Run State Park.

We had a great time.  The weather was pretty good.  It rained Saturday night but it was warm enough on Sunday to dry stuff out.

Dad & Lil Ewok playing in the creek
Our camp sites were near the playground which the kids enjoyed.  They also liked the hikes.  We walked trail 3 & 7 over the weekend.  For both of the trails you have to walk in a creek bed.  The kids loved that!

Kids stopping to rest along the trail
We also went canoeing.  It was only 3.5 miles but they kids really got a kick out of it.  The baby fell asleep during the trip and my oldest son wanted to go some more.

The letterboxing part of the weekend was bad.  I printed off 6 clues and we only found 2 boxes.  We planted our 4th annual Mother's Day box which was good.

Before the baby fell asleep
We had a good trip and will defiantly go back to Turkey Run again :)
