Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Back to the Ark and a Look at 2017

Light show on the side of the ark
A few days after Christmas we went to the Ark Encounter in Williamston, Ky.  The high was 15 degrees and we were happy that the ark was nice and warm.  You may recall that we went to the Creation Museum and Ark back in March.

Elephants :)
I follow them on Instagram and saw that they were having a big light show/display and I wanted to go.  We found an ark theme letterbox just before going to the ark.  I would like to plant one too.  Maybe I can find a good place right in between the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter for a box.  Something to think about in the new year.

Inside the warm ark

I usually take a minute to make a blog post about the past year.  2017 was a pretty good boxing year for me.  One of the highlights was that I found my 1,000th box.  I also boxed in 2 new states. 

Looking at my AQ stats, 2017 was my second highest year for finds.  I found 207 traditional boxes.  My highest year is 2015 with 225 boxes.  I credit these large numbers to the events in Greenville, Oh.  They put on great events with lots of boxes to find.  I also get away from home so there are other boxes to find in the area or going to/from the event.

My traditional plants were down in 2017.  I hid 28 boxes.  I hosted an event in 2016 so my plants are huge.  I planted 42 in 2015, 19 in 2014, and 40 in 2013.  So, my numbers are all over the board.  I started 2018 off on the right foot by planting my Secret Santa stamp yesterday :)

I participated in 2 postal rings in 2017.  I can't stand the wait for postals and I think I am going to stop doing them.

I made 33 sets of LTCs in 2017.  This is pretty average.  My highest year was 2013 with 35 sets and my lowest year was 2015 with 20 sets.  I will stick with LTCs because they are lot of fun and most hosts are good with getting cards back quickly.

I don't have any boxing goals for 2018.  I plan to attend the Great Lakes Gathering (GLG).  It will be about 30 minutes away from me.  I am also thinking about going to the Homerdoodle event this year.  I would like to make it back to St Louis to box.  And my boxing buddy and I have been talking about going to Casey, Ill where they have a lot of large things (Worlds Largest wind chime, rocking chair...) So we will see how it goes :)  Happy New Year to you <3

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